Four words, with MAJOR IMPACT!
We all know that one person. That person who constantly complains about a situation or circumstance and yet they keep doing the same old things over and over expecting a different result. That my friends is the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I watch many people I care about go about and live their life this way. Clients that complain of pain yet they don't do the exercises you recommend, friends who constantly hate their jobs (regardless of how many they go through), people who want things in life but have no real plan to get them. I am okay with complaining, I know I need to get better at doing less of it myself, but when you don't have a solution or plan to solve your problem at the end of the rant, your just babbling words that bring you down.
The only way to get something worth having is to go and get it yourself. Hoping for or finding the easy way will only get you lost. Complaining will keep you in the cycle. There are no easy ways, you can't count on more money, better health or improved relationships waiting for the easy road or better yet...waiting for luck.
Change your mindset change your life. I've often been told, I couldn't do what you do. What is it that I do? I went to school, got a job or two and decided to make a choice, a choice to create my own employment. Security for me is very important instead of complaining I'm choosing to create security, for myself, my family and my future. I didn't go to school to run a business but I do it, I am terrified of judgement and socializing with strangers, yet I am in relationship marketing, I am nothing more than anyone nor am I anything less, I am just a human being, like you. I have a desire to make it work, a faith to know it will and the persistence and consistency to ensure it happens. Those four things change everything: desire faith persistence and consistency. That's all that separates the successful ones from the unsuccessful ones. This holds true for your health, your relationships, your finances...pretty much all aspects of your life will flourish if you have desire, faith, persistence and consistency. It's true, if you have ever applied this method you know it to be so, if not, there's no better time to start than the present.
Someone said to me a while back that I may be following the masses and I should be careful. I had a few simple questions. What do you do in the morning when you first get up. Walk me through your morning. Well I get up make my coffee, read the paper and get ready for work. Okay....and after that? Well I drive to work and start my work week. Oh I see, do you work 8 hours a day roughly, 5 days a week? Well yeah, why do you ask? Well every day Monday-Friday a large portion of the population gets up makes a coffee and reads the paper or checks the news, they then get ready for work and proceed to do this 5 days a week for about 8 hours a day, does that sound like following the masses a little more to you? ........ As you might guess I did not get a response. Again change your thoughts change your life.
All you need to do to be successful in all areas of your life, whichever are important to you, is that you must first change your thoughts. In order to do this you will need desire and faith, being consistent and persistent will make it pay off in the long run. Once you start growing as a "better" person inside, being a happier more positive human being you will then start to attract what you want and need in life. Happy people attract happy people, and people connect with people not things.
So next time you complain, continue for a minute and start on the solution. There are always two outcomes, what you can do about it and what you can't. Try to focus on what's possible.
Hope this can make you think going into your weekend! Happy Friday all!
Stephanie Oliver