The first month of 2015 has come and gone. What did you do with it? We have 86, 400 seconds each day. What have you been doing with them? Let me share a little of what I have been doing with mine!
This past month I have had a taste of the freedom I have been working for since college. For the past 10 years I have been working hard to create the life I want. I have tried the corporate thing, 9-5 is not for me! College was great, I love what I do, massage and helping people deal with their pain is one of my passions, however it has been one of the hardest jobs I have ever had! Being self employed with no business training was tough. Although I feel I have been very successful in this field, the problem is every dollar I make is dependant upon my time or my continual efforts. There is always something to do! After 6 + years of owning a business you get tired and start to forget why you are doing what you are doing at times, I am lucky I have great friends, family, staff and support so I can get through those times and come back too. I have also dabbled in things like network marketing, one company I have been with for 6 years or so just wasn't marketable or profitable. I believed in the product, I still do but with a high cost for clients, no rewards for the clients or partners and high monthly quotas to meet just to make a few dollars, made it very hard to sell. Ugh just typing the word sell makes me cringe. My next direct sales company was full of great women, but the products I found were replaceable. They weren't exclusive in their results or performance. At the time there was a high monthly auto-ship and I found it impossible to get anyone to order if from me unless I gave them my discount, long story short I made one check for $25.00 in 2 years, so eventually I gave it up. I lost my hope for the direct sales, network marketing companies and started to prepare myself to work hard for a lifetime and accept this was how I would get ahead in life.

I then met the two people who would change my life for the better. I admired their passion for life, their inspirational messages, videos and books. Little did I know these people I looked up too would be my business partners one day! They were apart of yet again another network marketing company, I was devastated. Why, Why, Why are they apart of something I can't be good at! For two years I tried to convince myself to join there team. I was so skeptical, I went to meetings, events, coffee dates and kept looking to find something that would attract me to this company other than the fact that it would look good on my counter in my clinic. I couldn't wrap my head around how to make any money or help other people to make a separate income on the side with it. It was a constant get sales business and I am not good at selling anything, period. Then just as I was about to sign my life away to something I knew wouldn't work, just to have more access to my mentors I got the email. Subject line: We are not longer with *****
I was devastated, I had finally convinced myself to rejoin the network marketing world, I was going to have my chance to work with my mentors and then they decided to do what I thought was crazy, they joined Nerium International. Skin care, skin care, NOOO!! I just got out of skin care a few years ago. Why oh why! For a few weeks I felt lost. I was prepping to go back to school and face the fact I needed to have JOB for the rest of my life and retire if I was lucky. Then it hit me, why would people having success in one company leave over night for another? What if this wasn't just skin care? What if they were onto something?
I decided that night to go out to a "market party" by myself (something I had done many times before for many other companies) I actually remember calling my family on the way and saying I don't know why I am going, its probably just like all the others.... I must say I left that event with more hope, more inspiration, more motivation and more joy than I had experienced in months prior. These were real people, with a real exclusive product that was changing peoples lives. The best part is there was no real selling involved, just sharing. Now that was something I could do, I am great at sharing! When I left instead of not understanding how I was going to make an income, I couldn't figure out how the company was making theirs. It was like they were giving inventory, product and opportunity away for FREE. That night I made a decision to join Nerium on my own. Finally I had a vehicle with multiple seats on the bus. I didn't have to choose between my success and someone else's because they now truly go hand in hand.
This past month I have seen the freedom and residuals that come from being with Nerium. I earned my free IPad in my first 45 days which to me had to be a fluke, until I watched 3 other people do the same thing, in less time than I did! This past week I went to Mexico with my husband, WRITE OFF, I also got paid while sitting on the beach drinking a pina colada. I love that I can get paid off of the work I had already done, over and over again! I am helping my team retire their husbands, pay off their student loans and be able to do what they truly love for they no longer need to worry about money coming in from a pay check or an employer. I get to give people the opportunity to take life into their own hands. Its so simple. Anyone can do it. Including YOU!
You can do what you love, you can create the life you want and you can skip out on the 40/40/40 plan. All you need to do it look at a better option....because options are a beautiful thing!
Lets talk today to see if Nerium is right for you, 2 minutes could change your life!
Stephanie Oliver
Director Nerium International
** 40/40/40 plan- trading 40 years of your life, 40 hours per week to end up with 40% of your pay