Why are regular massage therapy appointments just as crucial to your health as your 3-6 month dental visit or yearly check up at the doctors office?
Did you know that people who start to receive regular massage therapy appointments are less likely to have chronic low back pain, headaches or shoulder pain that is not caused by injury or trauma?
Massage therapy helps to regulate your circulatory and lymphatic flow, promotes relaxation, increases your range of motion in your joints, breaks down scar tissue from old injuries, helps new injuries heal correctly, improves performance and prevents injury, treats the fascia and eases away muscle tension from over use or over strain. Massage therapy also increases the functioning of your immune system.
Your massage therapist also sees things you don't; we massage parts of your body you don't see often, your neck, back, posterior arms and legs. We palpate muscles and lymph nodes and feel things that aren't always "right" on the surface. Your therapist can make you aware of your moles and watch the change for you, they can notice lumps/bumps to make you aware of or notice a vein that may need some attention.
Your massage therapist cannot diagnose you, but they can recommend that you get something checked out or looked at. Massage therapists in Ontario have a high level of training when it come to anatomy of the human body, physiology (what happens inside) and pathology (disease). We also with time and experience see many clients with common ailments that have been previously diagnosed, so more often than not your therapist knows what they are doing and can guide you in the right direction when there findings are not in their scope of practice.
When we go to the dentist we have our mouths checked- gums, teeth, tongue, upper lymph nodes around our face and neck. This keeps our cardiovascular system strong and our oral hygiene in good shape. We see the doctor they have a quick listen to our heart, take our blood pressure, weigh us, ask a few questions and most of the time it ends there, and all is good. Its not always fun, yet most of us, still make a point to do it. When you see your massage therapist you not only receive a service that you will actually enjoy (no offence to the hygienists, dentists and docs, I love the clean teeth feeling but I can't say I can compare the "check ups" and cleanings to a massage), you will receive so many awesome health benefits! Prevention and solution can be found with massage therapy just like many other health care service we depend on.
Keep that in mind next time something hurts. Pain killers can be a quick band-aid to your problem, but to fix the issue and prevent it from coming back, massage, chiropractic or holistic health services may be a better long term option!
Love your body its the only place you have to live ~ Jim Rohn
Sending light, energy and health your way!
Stephanie Oliver (Muir)
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