Upper Trapezius- aka the headache
Did you know one of the most common muscles massage therapists treat is the Trapezius muscle? The trapezius muscle consists of 3 parts upper, middle and lower fibres. The upper trapezius is the most common part of the muscle to cause problems, or make those problems evident to us! The trapezius muscle when all 3 parts are used together is responsible for elevating, retracting and upwardly rotating the scapula. This muscle attaches at the base of the skull and along the spinous process of C7-T12, extends to the front of the body to the clavicle (collar bone) and out to the edges of the scapula (shoulder blade). Daily uses (actions) of this muscle are shrugging of the shoulders and overhead movements.
- Anatomy of the trapezius muscle.
Many of us have experienced that pain along the back of the shoulder blades. It burns, it feels tight and seems to nag at you on a daily basis. Most commonly you will feel these symptoms after a long day at the office, a hard-core study session or after long hours at the computer. Lately I am seeing this problem increase in 12-18 year olds! You can thank IPhones and Tablets for that!
When you have trigger points or hypertonicity (tight) in the upper trapezius it can also cause tension headaches! The referral pattern for pain for the upper trapezius muscle “looks” like a question mark. It comes along the back of the head up around to the temples. So how do we fix this problem or avoid it all together?
Massage therapy is one the best ways to get relief! Trigger point therapy and muscle stripping can help decrease and diminish the “knots” and help the muscle to relax. In order to maintain the work your massage therapist has done for you there are a few things you need to do. First off stretch, stretch and stretch! Sitting tall, grasp the back edge of the chair with your hand on the side to be stretched. Turn your head toward that same side and lean head and body away to feel a stretch in the side of the neck and shoulders. Hold for 45 seconds to a minute and repeat on the other side. I recommend doing this in the morning and at night.
You can’t help it if you work at a desk or have long hours to put in at the computer, but you can ensure proper ergonomics at your desk. Your computer screen should be at eye level and your screen should be directly in front of you! Do not sit on an angle and try to look at your screen!! Ergonomics are key! Ask your boss or manager to order what you need to make this possible. Most larger companies have someone on staff to ensure proper ergonomics at your desk or workplace. In the long run it saves the both of you time and money!
Lastly ensure you are sleeping with proper neck support. Generally one pillow is more than enough, but each person is unique. Talk to your therapist to find the best methods for you personally!
Any more questions? Any topics you want me to discuss or cover? Just send me an email or give me a call if be happy to help!
Educating you one post at time!
Truly yours,
Stephanie Muir RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
Registered Massage Therapist
Lavandula Wellness Centre
Lavandula Wellness Centre
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