Wow! Its been too long! Lots of things are happening, I have gotten so caught up in life...but I am back!
Sometimes I think we get so wrapped up into something new and exciting especially when we invest ourselves, physically, emotionally or financially. For me that investment was Lavandula Wellness Centre. I love being a massage therapist, its one of my passions. Helping people be better fills my soul up. Being an Entrepreneur isn't always peaches, and if you are the juiciest ripest peach on the tree, there will still be someone who doesn't like peaches.
I have learned many things over the past 6 years being self employed, a business owner and a "leader" ( I use the term loosely as I learned along the way with my teams). Here are a few I want to share with you!
1. Keep your head up, always. You will have more positive thoughts about life in general, looking down when thinking leads to more negative thoughts. I learned this when I read a great book The Slight Edge, grab a copy. It will change your life, if your ready.
2. When it gets hard, stay. You never know what step will take you to the next level. Most people will not succeed because they give up when it gets hard. Seek mentorship, stay in the game.
3. Try and better yourself each day. Without being the best person you can be, how can you teach anyone else too? Read 10 pages of a good book, listen to a great audio CD on the way to work. 10 minutes or 10 pages daily can curb your thoughts.
4. People who help people get ahead are most successful. Give back, volunteer, reach out, share opportunity.
5. Seek advice and mentorship from others who are already successfully doing what you are doing, or can help you in specific areas of your business. Somethings you shouldn't do because realistically you can't do everything and do everything well. If you ask in the right way, people are almost always willing to help!
Remember the sky is the limit! Anything is possible. Just work hard, seek advice from people who are qualified to give it and have some fun along the way too!
Peace and love your way,